Today's color is Blue wants to be a Millionaire by Wet N' Wild!! What
drew my attention to this color was because it 1) Blue and 2) it
SPARKLES!!! It has these multiple color sparkles in it where in any
light, it SPARKLES!!! As you can tell, I love anything that sparkles so I
knew I wanted this color. I also got it because it was like only $1.
97! Any polish that is cheap, I get because I know that I will still
make it good! Now this is also an older photo, so I did this awhile
back! My nails were still pretty bad at this point too so sorry for the crappy nails! Hope you enjoy!! :)
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
No name
Hey Guys!! So my first nail polish is actually a polish that has no
name! This was a polish that I received one Christmas in one of those
huge make-up kits. Anyways, it is a very pretty red, pink, brown, and
purple color. Kind of reminds me of a wine color. It is actually very
similar to a color by Wet N' Wild that my mother decided to steal from
me because she liked it so much so I'm not sure about the name! So I
want to apologies for how ugly my nails look in the picture because this
was when I first started putting the nail polish on my nails and that's
when they were in the worst condition. Also, my camera and phone
camera is crappy quality so I sorry for the horrible pictures, but you
still get the idea! Enjoy!

Friday, April 27, 2012
Welcome!! This is my first post on my blog! I hope you enjoy looking at my blog and reading it! I will say that the reason I started this was from painting my nails more often to stop biting my nails. Then I started always posting pictures on Facebook which made me decide to create a blog! So first I would like to say thanks to my friend Mrs. Julie for getting me into reading her BFF's nail blog post all the time. I haven't figured out how to post links so that you can go read her blog, but I will figure it out eventually. Anyways, I'm always going and reading her's blog even though I haven't met her in real life yet, but she does an amazing job with her nails and has now started making her own nail polish collections that she will soon sell! So, once I figure out links, I will definitely post them on here! Next, I found out that Mrs. Julie's oldest daughter does nail blogging as well and I just found her blog! She does an awesome job too! So again, once I figure all that out, will definitely link her blog onto here! So I owe a lot to Mrs. Julie for showing all this to me! I hope y'all will comment and give me suggestions to help improve! Thank you for reading and have a great day!!
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